The Si Lab

Welcome to the Si Lab at East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.

We are community ecologists and biogeographers. Our research focuses on community assembly of island faunas, biodiversity change after habitat fragmentation, and wildlife monitoring using camera traps, with broad interests in biogeography, community ecology, conservation biology, ornithology, and urban ecology.

Contact: Dr. Xingfeng Si

Email: sixf(at); sixingfeng(at)

Profiles: Lab Homepage I Google Scholar I ResearchGate


我们非常欢迎有志于动物生态学研究的同学报考硕士、博士研究生,或申请博士后和专职科研岗位,同时也欢迎有兴趣从事科学研究的本科同学提前和我们邮件联系。如有兴趣了解课题组的近期研究进展和招生情况,欢迎邮件联系或关注微信公众号“动物生态学” (微信号: Animal_Ecology)。